Ce médecin marseillais sauve des femmes avec des bouts de ficelle.
Février 2023
“A travers le programme humanitaire « FairEmbo » conduit avec Aix-Marseille Université, le Pr Vincent Vidal a développé une technique très simple d’embolisation avec des morceaux de fils de suture ! Elle est facilement exportable dans les pays moins fortunés, notamment pour stopper des hémorragies pouvant être mortelles lors des accouchements. Il y a 100 fois plus de femmes qui meurent d’une hémorragie de la délivrance au Tchad qu’en France. “
The FairEmbo Concept
Improving access to quality health care for people in developing countries with arterial embolization using suture fragments.
By Vincent Vidal, MD, PhD; Gloria Salazar, MD, FSIR; and Gilles Soulez, MD, FSIR
Avril 2023
“The FairEmbo project is not just a technologic solution; it is also an educational mentorship that seeks to empower local skills in interventional radiology. The project’s collaborative model encourages all interventional radiologists and radiology technologists to participate. The FairEmbo concept is an innovative and cost-effective approach to arterial embolization using suture fragments. It has been shown to be safe and effective in various clinical scenarios and has the potential to help the management of various bleeding in emerging countries.”
FAIR-Embo hopes to spread safe, cheap embolization around the world
MAI 2019
“Vincent Vidal (Marseille, France) and colleagues have demonstrated the in vivo feasibility of arterial embolization with permanent and absorbable suture fragments, leading them to propose what they have termed the “FAIR-Embo” concept to the wider interventional radiology (IR) community. Writing in Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiology (CVIR), they conclude: “Embolization by absorbable and non-absorbable suture is a feasible and effective treatment, which opens up the possibility of global use of this inexpensive and widely available embolization agent”.